Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dec 7, 2014

हरिः ॐ | नमो नमः |

After opening prayers and review of the concepts we had learned in the previous classes, we started our study of action filled words :)

क्रिया पदानि - Verbs:

क्रिया , means action, and पदं / पदानि , means word/words. Hence a word that indicates action in a sentence is called as क्रियापदम् . Verbs are crucial in expressing any action done by the subject, or, the doer. So far we had learned quite a bit about nouns, in various genders, and, numbers. Once we learn about verbs as well, we can become quite versatile in what we can communicate.

Today we shall be learning about the present tense form of verbs, that go with Third person nouns and pronouns.

Verbs are not sensitive to the gender of the noun (subject). This is similar to English.
                He sees;  She sees.  Verb form remains the same for all genders.
Verbs vary based on the number of the noun (subject). This is also similar to English.
                 He sees; They see!  Verb form changes with number.

We reviewed the parts of the body, and discussed how they help us in our daily lives with our activities, to build our verb vocabulary base.

Verb - (root)Singular Plural
See - (दृश् )सः   पश्यति |ते  पश्यन्ति |
Eat - (खाद् )  सा  खादति |ताः  खादन्ति |
Speak - (वद् )  बालकः  वदति  |बालकाः वदन्ति  |
Write - (लिख्)   बालिका  लिखति |   बालिकाः लिखन्ति |
Drink - (पा )   गजः   पिबति |गजाः  पिबन्ति |
Read - (पठ् )  छात्रः  पठति  | छात्राः  पठन्ति  |

The students then took turns forming sentences with a subject from their vocabulary base, and one of the verbs from the table above. They were quite creative in their sentences, and demonstrated their ability to effectively apply their vocabulary.
  1. वृक्षः पिबति |  As the tree drinks through its roots, or feet, it is also known  as पादपः 
  2. व्यापारी सत्यं वदति | Though we have not studied about objects yet, one of the students came up with this sentence. Quite impressive!
  3. गजः वदति |
  4. गणेशः खादति |
  5. छात्राः  लिखन्ति |

Reading & Comprehension

We learned two lines of a subhaashitam. Note: The other two lines are reserved for the next class.

स्वयं न खादन्ति फलानि वृक्षाः |
परोपकाराय सतां विभूतयः ||

स्वयं  - themselves / personally; न  - not; खादन्ति   - eat; फलानि  - fruits
वृक्षाः  - trees; परोपकाराय - for the benefit of others;  सतां  - noble men's;  विभूतयः - assets/riches/wealth

Trees do not eat the fruits themselves. Similarly, the wealth and assets possessed by noble men, are to serve others who are in need.

Trees use the resources from the earth, energy from the sun, and after a long period of time and hard work produce tasty fruits. But after all that work, they generously offer their fruits to birds, animals and humans.  In this saying, the generosity of the trees is compared to the generosity and selflessness of great men. Great men too are like trees in their compassion and generosity. They use their hard earned wealth and riches to serve the entire humanity. Let us all strive to be like the Giving Tree.


  1. Construct five simple sentences with a subject and verb in present tense. Use both singular and plural subjects, and use the appropriate verb form. Challenge: use the avyaya "न" , meaning, "not", in at least one sentence.
  2. Practice reading the subhaashitam aloud few times, and write it neatly once in your notebook.
  3. What is the sanskrit word for "water"? Find at least one synonym.

We concluded with Prayers.
We shall meet again on Dec 14, 2014.

ॐ  शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||