Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dec 21, 2014

हरिः ॐ | नमो नमः |

After opening prayers and a review of present tense form of verbs, we moved on to the topic of the day.

कर्म पदम् - Karma Padam (Accusative Case):

So far we had been learning about nouns in all three genders, in the nominative case. We had constructed sentences with a subject and verb. The subject of a sentence usually takes the nominative case ending. The subject is also known as the कर्ता, or, कर्तृ पदम् . Subject is the doer, or, the one who does the action that is described in the verb, known as, क्रिया पदम् . Today we discussed the object of the sentence, which takes the accusative case ending. Usually the object of a sentence can be identified by asking the question what, or, whom in relation to the verb.

1. रामः फलं खादति |  Rama eats a fruit.
रामः (Rama) - Subject
खादति (Eats) - Verb
When we ask the question Rama eats what? we get the answer - फलं (a fruit), which is the object of this sentence.

2. गणेशः स्कन्दं पश्यति |  Ganesha sees Skanda.
गणेशः (Ganesha) - Subject
पश्यति (Sees) - Verb
When we ask the question Ganesha sees whom? we get the answer - स्कन्दं (Skanda), which is the object of this sentence.

In the case of certain verbs, like गच्छति (goes), the object is identified by asking the question "where"
3. सीता  वनं गच्छति |   Sita goes to the forest.
सीता (Sita) - Subject
गच्छति (goes) - Verb
When we ask the question Sita goes where? we get the answer - वनं (forest), which is the object of this sentence.

In Sanskrit, a different ending is added to the root of the noun, to express the noun in accusative case. Accusative case is known as dvitIyA vibhakti, द्वितीया विभक्तिः. Today we learned the accusative case endings for the all the three genders in singular number. In the case of neuter gender, the nominative and accusative forms are similar.

GenderNominative CaseAccusative Case
पुल्लिङ्गः   रामः      रामम् 
स्त्रीलिङ्गः     सीता सीतां   
स्त्रीलिङ्गः  देवी देवीम्  
नपुंसकलिङ्गः वनम्  वनम् 

We then formed sentences with a subject, verb and an object. 

1. कृष्णः  पत्रिकां  पठति |  Krishna reads a magazine.
2.  बालकाः श्लोकं पठन्ति |    The boys read the shloka.
3. वानरः  सूर्यम्  पश्यति  | The monkey sees the sun.

Reading & Comprehension

रामं स्कन्दं हनुमन्तं वैनतेयं वृकोदरम् |
शयने यः स्मरेन्नित्यं  दुःस्वप्नस्तस्य नश्यति ||
He, who shall remember Rama, Skanda(muruga), Hanuman, Garuda(Vainateya), and, Bhima (vRkodaram), when(before) going to sleep, his bad dream is always removed/destroyed.

In this shloka, all the nouns, ramaH, skandaH, vainateyaH, vrkodaraH, and, hanumAn, are used in the accusative case, hence declined in dvitIyA vibhakti.


  1. Construct five sentences with a subject, verb, and an object in singular number.
  2. Write the shloka once in your notebook neatly, and memorize the shloka. 

We concluded with Prayers.
We shall meet again on Jan 4, 2015. Enjoy your holidays!

ॐ  शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||