Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6, 2014

हरिः ॐ  Hari OM.
After prayers, we quickly reviewed the topic: caturthI vibhakti; how and where it is commonly used.

We then moved on to the next (sixth) question word in conversations: किमर्थम् , which means, Why, or, "For What purpose?"

Q: सः किमर्थं देवालयम् गच्छति ?  Why does he go to the temple?
We looked at a couple of ways of answering this question.

A1: सः देवस्य अर्चनार्थं  देवालयं गच्छति | (The reason word combined with the word artham)
A2: सः देवस्य अर्चनाय  देवालयं  गच्छति  |  (Declining the reason word in caturthI vibhakti)
The translation in English would be: He goes to the temple: for the purpose of worshipping God, or to worship God, respectively.

We analyzed this sentence and identified the subject, verb, object and the other cases/declensions.

The class then practiced changing the subject of this sentence, to be uttama puruShaH - I.

I go to the temple to worship God.
अहं  देवस्य  अर्चनाय   देवालयं गच्छामि |
We noticed that only the subject and the verb change in this transformation. Every other word stays the same.

We referred to page 37 in Abhyaasa pustakam, and practiced few conversations with किमर्थम्.
The children practiced reading the big words, as the adults formed the questions and answers.

सः  किमर्थं  विद्यालयं गच्छति  ? Why does he go to the school?
सः पठनार्थम् / पठनाय विद्यालयं  गच्छति | He goes to the school to study.

सः  किमर्थं योगासनं करोति ?  Why does he do Yoga?
सः  आरोग्यार्थं  योगासनं  करोति |  He does Yoga for his good health.

सः  किमर्थं  ग्रन्थालयं  गच्छति ?  Why does he go to the library?
सः  पठनार्थं ग्रन्थालयं  गच्छति |  He goes to the library to read.

सः किमर्थं  चिकित्सालयं  गच्छति ?  Why does he go to the hospital?
सः  औषधार्थम्  चिकित्सालयं  गच्छति |  He goes to the hospital to get medicines.
(Well, we no longer go to the hospital to get cured. We go to get medicines. Interesting !!)

सः किमर्थं  विदेशं  गतवान् ?  Why did he go abroad / to a foreign country?
सः  प्रवासार्थं  विदेशं  गतवान् |  He went to a foreign country to live, or, reside there.

We have not learned past tense yet! We ran in to this word "gatavaan" today, which implies the action happened in the past. More details in the future. Here are the new words to add to your vocabulary.

The group had an interesting discussion on the word - pravaasa. It was good to observe that few members in the class could identify the root word "vas" - which means live, dwell or reside.  They identified the prefixes: vi and pra. Few recalled that the word was used in the context of emigration, or residents in a foreign country! Well, we are progressing slowly and steadily in our grasp of the sanskrit language!


Kids: Please practice reading and answering the questions in the exercise 4.5 in Abhyaasa pustakam. Page: 23

Adults: Please practice the exercises 5.2 & 5.3 in Abhyaasa pustakam. Pages: 24, 25

We will meet again on April 27, 2014.

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः |