Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 4, 2014

हरिः ॐ  Hari OM.
Today we ventured in to panchamI vibhakti or ablative case. Ablative case is typically used when there is a separation between two objects or entities; the primary entity or object from which the second entity or object is separated or removed, is expressed using panchamI vibhakti.

Ex: वृक्षात्  फलं पतति |  [ A fruit falls from the tree. ]

Here the primary entity from which something is separated or removed is the tree, वृक्षः Hence this entity when declined in panchamI vibhakti takes the form वृक्षात्. The second entity in this example is the fruit, which is the subject, hence is declined in prathamA vibhakti.

We then looked at the declension patterns for the various noun endings.

Nominative Caseपञ्चमी विभक्तिः 
Ablative Case
रामः  रामात् from Rama
कृष्णः    कृष्णात् from Krishna
सीता    सीतायाः from Sita
वनम् वनात् from a forest

We practiced forming few more sentences using ablative case to reinforce this declension.

भरतः रामात् पादुकां स्वीकरोति  | [Bharata accepts a slipper from Rama.]
वानराः वनात् ग्रामम् आगच्छन्ति | [Monkeys come from a forest to the village.]
नदी शिखायाः प्रवहति | [ River flows from the crest/peak of the mountain.]
कन्दुकः हस्तात् पतति | [ Ball drops from the hand.]
सत्त्वात् सञ्जायते ज्ञानम् | [ From sattva arises knowledge.]
अङ्कुरः बीजात् उद्भवति | [ Sprout is produced from the seed.]

That led us to the last question word in the sapta kakaaraaH - कुतः  [kutaH] = from where?
Based on a boy's daily routine illustrated in the following picture, we formed questions, asking from where the boy came from, and then answered using panchamI vibhakti.

Q: From where does the boy come to the school?
प्र : बालकः कुतः विद्यालयम् आगच्छति ?
A: The boy goes to the school from the house.
उ : बालकः गृहात् विद्यालयं  गच्छति  |

Q: From where does the boy come to the library?
प्र : बालकः कुतः ग्रन्थालयम्  आगच्छति ?
A: The boy comes to the library from the school.
उ : बालकः विद्यालयात् ग्रन्थालयम्  आगच्छति |

So on, until he returns back home.

Q: From where does the boy return home?
प्र : बालकः कुतः  गृहं  प्रत्यागच्छति?
A: The boy returns home from the restaurant.
उ : बालकः भोजनशालायाः गृहं  प्रत्यागच्छति |

We also discussed another short-cut that we could use instead of declining in panchamI vibhakti. By appending or adding the suffix taH / तः to the root word, a similar effect can be achieved. The resultant word is an indeclinable or avyaya, hence does not vary by number, or, gender.

Ex: बालकः  विद्यालयतः  ग्रन्थालयं गच्छति| [ The boy goes to the library from the school.]
Some of the indeclinables to add to our vocabulary are:

इतः [itaH] = from here / from now / hence
ततः  [tataH] = from there / from then / therefore

That was quite a new concept to learn and reflect upon :) Keep looking for panchamI vibhakti usage in the articles and shloka-s you read until the next session.

We discussed a verse from Geeta with panchamI vibhakti usage.
अन्नाद्  भवन्ति  भूतानि  पर्जन्याद्  अन्नसम्भवः |
यज्ञाद्  भवति पर्जन्यः     यज्ञः  कर्मसमुद्भवः ||
annad bhavanti bhutani      parjanyad anna-sambhavah 
yajnad bhavati parjanyah   yajnah karma-samudbhavah - Chapter 3 Verse #14

Kids: Please work on the exercise 9.1 in Abhyaasa pustakam. Page: 33
Adults: Please work on exercises 9.1 and 9.2 in Abhyaasa pustakam. Answer 9.2 with panchamI vibhakti declensions and not using the taH short-cut, to challenge yourself. Pages: 33-34

We will meet again on May 18, 2014.

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः |