Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nov 16, 2014

हरिः ॐ | नमो नमः |

After opening prayers, we reviewed the concept of gender in sanskrit. We practiced identifying the gender of a word, by examining the last syllable or the ending of the word.

We then moved on to the topic of the day.

वचनम्  - Number:

In sanskrit, words can be expressed in singular, dual, and, plural numbers. The dual number form is unique to sanskrit; it conveys that a pair or a couple of items are involved, as in the case of eyes, ears, hands, legs, and parents. Plural number in sanskrit, conveys that more than two items are being referred to.

Singular number is known as एकवचनम्
Dual number is known as द्विवचनम्
Plural number is known as बहुवचनम्

We first learned the three different number forms of the pronouns learned in the previous class, and then moved on to nouns in various genders. Here is the summary:

सर्वनाम शब्दाः  - Pronouns
पुल्लिङ्गः   सः     तौते 
स्त्रीलिङ्गः     सा     ते ताः  
नपुंसकलिङ्गः  तत्  ते तानि  
नाम शब्दाः - Nouns
पुल्लिङ्गः   रामः      रामौ रामाः 
स्त्रीलिङ्गः     सीता  सीते  सीताः   
नपुंसकलिङ्गः  वनम्  वने वनानि 

We then practised this concept with other masculine, feminine and neuter gender nouns and pronouns, until the class became a pro at it :) We learned many new words in the process.


Write the dual and plural forms of these nouns, whose singular form is given here. Look up in a dictionary if you do not know the meaning of any of these words, or, the gender of the word.
  1. बालकः 
  2. बालिका 
  3. पुस्तकम् 
  4. माला 
  5. व्यजनम् 
  6. शरीरः 
  7. शिरः 
  8. हस्तः 
  9. कः   * 
  10. किम्  *
* - challenge words. 

We concluded with Prayers.
We shall meet again on Nov 23, 2014.

ॐ  शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||