Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb 2, 2014

हरिः ॐ | नमो नमः |
HariH OM| namo namaH|

We reviewed telling time, and reviewed the usage of locative case by describing when an action occurred. We analyzed a verse from Moha Mudgara, popularly known as Bhaja Govindam, that had saptamii vibhakti usage.

We learned the following अव्ययाः , or, indeclinables, to describe the day relative to the current point of time. The term अव्ययः in this context means that the word form remains the same, irrespective of the number, gender, or part of speech.

परह्यः     --->                   ह्यः   --->   अद्य  ---> श्वः    --->    परश्वः 
day-before-yesterday   yesterday     today    tomorrow   day-after-tomorrow

We then learned the seven days of the week, and frequently used synonyms.

Sunday       =    भानुवासरः   (रविवासरः)
Monday      =    इन्दुवासरः    (सोमवासरः )
Tuesday      =    भौमवासरः   (मङ्गलवासरः )
Wednesday =    सौम्यवासरः  (बुधवासरः )
Thursday    =     गुरुवासरः

Friday         =    भृगुवासरः     (शुक्रवासरः )
Saturday     =    स्थिरवासरः   (शनिवासरः )

We then practiced forming few sentences with locative case to describe where an action occurs.

Q: सिंहः  कुत्र वसति ?  (Where does a Lion live?)

A: सिंहः  वने वसति |  (Lion lives in the forest.)

Q: लेखनी  कुत्र अस्ति ? (Where is the pen?)

A: लेखनी  पेटिकायाम्  अस्ति |  ( Pen is in the box.)

Q: अण्डानि  कुत्र सन्ति ?  (Where are the eggs?)

A: अण्डानि  नीडे  सन्ति |  (Eggs are in the nest.)

We then practiced chanting the opening and the first verse from Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 14, with a sanskrit hand-out.

With that we concluded our session.

Assignment: Please find an article, prayer, or, quote that has saptamii vibhakti usage and bring it to share with the class next week.

ॐ  शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः|