Friday, January 31, 2014

Jan 26, 2014

हरिः ॐ | नमो नमः |
HariH OM| namo namaH|

We reviewed the concept of Vibhakti, or, Declensions in Sanskrit and revised the usage of genitive case, known as ShaShTI vibhakti in all three genders, and in singular number. 

समयः - Time

Having learned the cardinal numbers from 1 - 20, today we learned to apply these numbers in telling time. 

वादनम्  in sanskrit is equivalent to O'clock in English.

एकवादनम्  = 1 o'clock        सप्तवादनम्  = 7 o'clock
द्विवादनम् = 2 o'clock         अष्टवादनम्  = 8 o'clock
त्रिवादनम्  = 3 o'clock           नववादनम्  = 9 o'clock
चतुर्वादनम् = 4 o'clock          दशवादनम्  = 10 o'clock
पञ्चवादनम्  = 5 o'clock       एकादशवादनम्  = 11 o'clock
षड्वादनम्  = 6 o'clock          द्वादशवादनम्  = 12 o'clock

सार्ध ( स + अर्ध ) when prefixed to the hour, is equivalent to the usage "Half past" in English. Here are some examples:

सार्धनववादनम्  = Half past Nine, or, 9:30.
सार्धत्रिवादनम्  = Half past Three, or, 3:30.
सपाद ( स + पाद ) when prefixed to the hour, is equivalent to the English usage "Quarter past". Examples:

सपादसप्तवादनम्  = Quarter past Seven, or, 7:15.
सपादद्विवादनम्  = Quarter past Two, or, 2:15.

पादोन ( पाद + ऊन ) when prefixed to the next hour, is equivalent to "Quarter to" the next hour in English. Please note that the hour shall be the next approaching hour in this case. Examples:

पादोनषड् वादनम्   = Quarter to Six, or, 5:45.
पादोनत्रिवादनम्  = Quarter to Three, or, 2:45.

इदानीम् समयः कः ?
What is the time now?
Look at the clock images, and try telling the time in sanskrit.

12 o'clock
Quarter past Twelve
Half Past Twelve
Quarter to One

To tell time to the minute, one option is to add the the minute count to the required hour. The minute count should be combined with the word अधिक, meaning more, and then prefixed to the current hour. 

For example, 3:10 shall be दशाधिकत्रिवादनम् , ten past three, or ten after three.

When the minute is over thirty, another option, is to deduct the minutes from the next approaching hour. In this case, the minute count to be deducted should be combined with the word ऊन,  meaning less, and then prefixed to the next approaching hour.

For example, 6:50 in sanskrit shall be दशोनसप्तवादनम् , ten to seven. It can also be said as पञ्चाशतधिक षड् वादनम् , fifty past six, which is a less common usage.

After practicing to tell time in the clock, we moved on to the locative case, known as सप्तमी विभक्ति, or the seventh case.  Locative case is used to specify the time and place of the action, or specify the context of an action.

Nominative CaseLocative CaseLocative Case
रामः  रामे in Rama
प्रातः कालः  प्रातः काले in the morning
निशा   निशायाम्  in the night
उत्पीटिका   उत्पीटिकायाम्   on the table
गृहम्  गृहे in the house
सप्तवादनम्  सप्तवादने at seven o'clock

We practiced forming few sentences with locative case. We discussed other nouns related to time, such as today, now, year, month, fortnight, week, etc. Please refer to the vocabulary list for these words.

In the beginning of yajnas and poojas, the place and time where the pooja/ritual is performed is specified in sanskrit, as part of the samkalpa. It is a good reference for saptamii vibhakti usage. One of our classmates recited the samkalpa and shared with the class. It is as follows:

मम उपात्त समस्त दुरितक्षयद्वारा श्री परमेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थम्:
Followed by astronomical description of time and place where the pooja is performed, all in locative case:
शुभे शोभने मुहूर्थे
आद्य ब्रह्मणः द्वितीयपरार्धे
श्री श्वेतवराह कल्पे
वैवस्वत मन्वन्तरे
अष्टाविंशतितमे कलियुगे
प्रथमे पादे
(Geographical location, that varies depending on where the pooja is performed)
जम्बू द्वीपे भारतवर्षे भरतखन्डे मेरोः दक्षिणे पार्श्वे  (Corresponding to India)
क्रौञ्चद्वीपे रमणकवर्षे इन्द्रखन्डे मेरोः पश्चिमे पार्श्वे (Corresponding to US)
(Time, varies depending on the year and date)
विजय नाम संवत्सरे  ( -- संवत्सरे )
उत्तरायणे ( -- अयणे )
-- ऋतौ   (saptamii vibhakti eka vacana roopam for ukaaraanta shabda - rtu, or season)
-- मासे
-- पक्षे
-- तिथौ  (saptamii vibhakti eka vacana roopam for ikaaraanta shabda - tithi or lunar day )
-- नक्षत्र युक्तायाम्
-- वासर युक्तायाम्
------- अस्याम् शुभतिथौ
(Followed by the desired intention of the pooja and the name of the pooja)
--- सिद्‍ध्यर्थम् --- पूजाम् करिष्ये।

With that we concluded our session. Please practice to tell time in sanskrit, and look for saptamii vibhakti usage in articles that you read or prayers that you chant.

ॐ  शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः|