Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nov 17, 2013

हरिः ॐ | नमो नमः |
HariH OM| namo namaH|

We reviewed what we had learned in the last session about gender. There are three genders in sanskrit language:
  1. पुल्लिङ्गः   (pullingaH)  = masculine gender
  2. स्त्रीलिङ्गः   (strIlingaH) = feminine gender
  3. नपुंसकलिङ्गः  (napumsakalingaH) = neuter gender

संभाषणम्  (sambhaaShaNam) - Conversation

We then learned about the three gender forms of 'etad', the root word, meaning "this".

एषः eShaHM. (Masculine)
एषा eShaaF. (Feminine)
एतत् etatN. (Neuter)

We had learned about the word किम्  (kim), meaning "what?", in our previous conversations. The three gender forms of this word are:

कः kaHM.
का  kaaF.
किम्  kimN.

We then reviewed the parts of the body listed in Page.1 of the book लतिका (latikaa). By examining the last syllable of each word, we tried to guess the gender of the word. Then picking the correct gender form of the pronouns, 'this' and 'what' in sanskrit, we formed simple questions and answers.

Q:  एषः कः |  (pointing at one's head, What is this?)
A: एषः शिरः| (This is head.)
Q:  एषा  का |  (pointing at one's nose, What is this?)
A: एषा  नासिका | (This is nose.)
Q:  एतत्  किम्  |  (pointing at one's eye, What is this?)
A: एतत्  नेत्रं  | (This is eye.)

That was fun. We realized today that in sanskrit language, the ending of a word, plays a significant role in determining the gender, and the pattern of operations to be performed. There are exceptions to the normal patterns, which we will explore in a later stage and period.

Topic: वचनम् (vachanam) - Number

We discussed that Sanskrit nouns have singular, dual and plural numbers. Dual number is used to refer the count, two and Plural number is used to refer the count, more than two. The numbers in sanskrit are:
  1. एक वचनम्  (eka vachanam)  = Singular Number
  2. द्वि वचनम्  (dvi vachanam) = Dual Number
  3. बहु वचनम् (bahu vachanam) = Plural Number
We briefly looked at the three number forms of few akaaraanta pullinga shabda-s, aakaaraanta striilinga shabda-s and halanta napumsakalinga shabda-s, in nominative case.
[Note: akaaraanta pullinga shabda, means, a word/noun that ends with the vowel 'a', and is of masculine gender. ajanta shabda, means a word/noun ending with a vowel. halanta shabda, means a word/noun ending with a consonant.]

Please note how the patterns are identical based on the ending letter/sound of the word.

एकवचनम्  - Singularद्विवचनम्  - Dualबहुवचनम्  - PluralVowel Ending
रामः raamaHरामौ  raamauरामाः raamaaHakaaraantaH (followed by visarga)
शिरः  shiraHशिरौ  shirauशिराः shiraaHakaaraantaH (followed by visarga)
बालिका baalikaaबालिके  baalikeबालिकाः baalikaaHaakaaraantaH
कुञ्चिका  kuñchikaaकुञ्चिके kuñchikeकुञ्चिकाः kuñchikaaHaakaaraantaH
फलम् phalamफले phaleफलानि phalaaniakaaraantaH (followed by anusvaara)
नेत्रम्  netramनेत्रे  netreनेत्राणि netraaNiakaaraantaH (followed by anusvaara)

We shall continue to explore this topic in detail in the next session.

We concluded our learning with Prayers.

ॐ  शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः